
Vervology 377 Protocol

The vervology 377 protocol is what defines Vervology’s commitment to client success. By utilizing this protocol, Vervology has a proven method for making your business successful online.

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great team with great culture

Vervology prioritizes relationships above all else, so to partner with Vervology is to partner with an expert team of outside-the-box thinkers dedicated to client success. the vervology team

offering great products

Vervology offers high-quality products specifically focused on small-business, designed to make a positive impact while moving the needle forward.

delivering great service

Vervology aims to be the best, so consistently providing exceptional customer service is not a goal but our mission. services

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Vervology’s strategy is simple. To bake the best cake would require the best ingredients, and that is exactly what the seven components of the 377 protocol’s strategy are – the best ingredients. Each digital strategy is personalized to the clients’ needs, implementing the same core components but varying in the specific tools, techniques, and platforms employed.

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Having established the best strategy, now it’s time to bake that cake. How you bake the cake makes all the difference to the experience of eating that cake.

By using proven methods to take customers through the sales journey, Vervology builds your digital platform for conversion and to give the customer a wow experience.

customer value journey

The customer value journey, when used as a method for success, acts as a guide to explain how to best lead ideal customers through the different stages of the loyalty journey to provide them with the maximum value.

vervology 377: customer value journey

how vervology builds wow websites

A WOW website is one that captures your business culture, promotes brand awareness, builds trust, and guides the customer before and during the sales conversation.

vervology 377: what is a wow website?

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